The company will be known to promote Christian clothing « for everyone ». It wants to encourage believers and non-believers to carry without complex the messages of love of equality and reconciliation through biblical verses among others.
Forgiveness, love, reconciliation, no simple… but efficient.
Forgiven must exist to bring love joy and hope. Love is the highest vibration on earth, without it we can do nothing… Love covers everything. it allows us to do crazy things, to feel happy and sometimes even to surpass ourselves, it lifts mountains and gives us the strength to forgive, it is often difficult to do so…Specially when we have been bruised and saddened. Love brings us light and makes us shine brightly just like Christ. FORGIVEN’s mission is to radiate this world of love through the medium of fashion.
FORGIVEN is a brand of Christian clothing which aims to promote the biblical word throughout the world on its ready-to-wear supports.
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For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. Matthew 6:14
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Uluwatu Jimbaran ST, 1919 - Bali, Indonesia
+62 212-345-321